
What an awesome example Elisha set on how to be a true follower of God. His faith healed many. The story of Naaman (2Kings 5) sticks out to me at this moment.
 Naaman was highly regarded and stricken with leprosy. He was sent to Elisha to rid him of his leprosy. When he got to Elisha, Elisha sent a message to Naaman telling him to wash in the Jordan seven time. This would rid him of his leprosy. Naaman thought that was silly. He wanted Elisha to come out and call on God, but Elisha had no need. The Lord was already with him. Naaman didn't like this, so instead of being obedient he turned away. This is exactly what we do to God. We ask for change, we ask for completion and when God hands us our answer we go " That doesn't make sense.  I'm just going to do what I wanted to do in the first place". Big ugly buzz. That's wrong. If Naaman would have continued to turn away, he would have never been healed. It took his servant to get him to turn around and when he did, he was blessed. He was cleansed. He was restored. He was new. Sounds familiar? 2cor 5:16-17 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:a The old has gone, the new is here! Naaman then went to Elisha and and declared "there is no other God in all the earth, but in Israel" In this moment, he knew God was real and it was, because of Elisha and his faith in the Lord. His obedience to the Lord. We must get in alignment with God then we could do so much.  All the people need is to see a true devoted Christian and their love of God and it can change the wickedest of hearts. Naaman didn't just find Elisha, he was told to go to this man of God, because of the reputation he had. That should be us. People should know we are Christ's without even speaking, but by our actions and the love we show.

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